This page allows you to create a new episode or edit the details of an existing podcast episode. You may also allow anyone, or just registered users, to view an episode. 

Before creating your first episode you need to create your first Participant.

What are podcast episodes?

Podcasts are a popular form of audio content that can cover a variety of topics, from news and entertainment to education and business. Podcasts are typically delivered as a series of episodes, which are individual audio files that listeners can download or stream online.

Podcast episodes can vary in length, format, style, and quality, depending on the preferences of the podcast creator and the audience. Some podcast episodes are short and concise, while others are long and in-depth. Some podcast episodes are scripted and edited, while others are spontaneous and raw. Some podcast episodes are solo shows, while others feature guests or co-hosts.

Podcast episodes can be accessed through various platforms, such as podcast apps, websites, social media, or smart speakers. Podcast listeners can subscribe to their favorite podcasts and receive notifications when new episodes are released. Podcast listeners can also rate, review and share podcast episodes with other people.

Podcast episodes are a great way to learn new things, stay informed, be entertained, and connect with others who share similar interests. Podcast episodes can also provide opportunities for podcast creators to express themselves, showcase their expertise, build their brand, and monetize their content. 

How to Access



Form Fields

In this section, you can enter information about the Episode, such as title, description, audio file, participants, and so on. The options allow you to control settings such as what information gets displayed for each Episode.

Edit Episode

Here you enter the basic information about the episode.


Images and Links

This section lets you display images and links in your episodes using standardised layouts.

Intro Image

Full Episode Image

Link A

Link BLink C: Same options as Link A.

Files & Details

 Episode timeline (also known as episode chapters)

If you are a podcast listener, you may have noticed that some episodes have chapters. Chapters are segments of the episode that have their own titles, timestamps, and sometimes images or links. Chapters can help you navigate the episode, skip to the parts that interest you, or revisit the ones that you want to hear again. Chapters can also enhance the podcast experience by providing additional information or resources related to the topic.

Podcast episode chapters are metadata that is embedded in the audio file of the podcast. For example, the title, author, genre, and cover art of a podcast are metadata that describes the podcast itself. Similarly, the title, timestamp, image, and link of a chapter are metadata that describes a segment of the podcast episode.

Podcast episode chapters are supported by some podcast players and apps, such as Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and Podcast Addict. These players and apps can read the chapter metadata from the audio file and display them on the screen. You can then tap or click on a chapter to jump to that segment of the episode. You can also see the image or link associated with the chapter if there is any. The player on Ideal Podcasts also supports chapters.

Ideal Podcasts already write the Title, Category, Author, and other metadata to the audio file and will soon be able to write the chapters metadata as well. You can already enter the episode timeline/chapters.

Podcast episode chapters are a great way to enhance your podcast and provide value to your listeners. They can help you organize your content, improve your SEO, increase your engagement, and grow your audience.





Language associations in case you have a multi-lingual website. This is rarely the case for podcasts.


At the top of the page, you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

Quick Tips

At least one Episode Category must be added before adding the first Episode.