Ajax Contact and Ajax Recommend try to inherit most of your templates style, however if you need to change something you have to edit the Ajax Contact's CSS file located at:

Some examples:

//change input box
.ideal-ajax-module input.inputbox{font-size:100%;color:#808080;border:1px solid #F0F0EE;}
//Change label
.ideal-ajax-module label{font-size:120%;font-weight:bolder;}

Red triangle for required fields:

If you want to change the color of the required image (red triangle) you have to edit [Joomla]/modules/mod_ajax_contact/images/required_bg.gif. in this case, you might also want to change the color of the invalid class.

If you want to remove it, just find the .required rule and change for this:

.required{background: none !important}

Changing the  "xx characters left"
