Please do not get confused with our other product Contact Enhanced, which is a much more complete extension;
The Contact Form is one of the most critical pages on any website, facilitating communication between visitors and site administrators. The Ajax Contact module for Joomla is designed to streamline this process with a simple, lightweight, and highly efficient form. Leveraging AJAX technology, it allows users to send messages without refreshing the page, ensuring a fast and seamless experience.
Key features
Ajax-Powered Form
No page reloads required, ensuring a smooth user experience.
Unlimited Custom Fields
Unlimited fields for Joomla 4.x and 5.x. Includes various field types such as checkbox, radio button, select list, text, textarea, number, and calendar.
Multiple Email Recipients
Send messages to several email addresses simultaneously.
File Attachments
Option to send files attached to the submitter, perfect for marketing campaigns.
Captcha Verification
Captcha integration and includes SecurImage Captcha plugin for added security.
Character Limit
Ability to limit the number of characters in the message field.
Efficient and Lightweight
Utilizes Joomla’s built-in jQuery library, ensuring fast load times without additional JavaScript libraries.
User Information Capture
Automatically retrieves user IP address, browser, operating system, and screen resolution. For logged-in users, it fetches the name and email from the database to prevent errors.
GDPR Compliance
Customizable EU GDPR privacy check form field.
Fast and Reliable
Optimized for performance and security.