Transifex is a modern, open-source localization platform. It’s a web system which automates the translation workflow for complex international projects.

Translating Contact Enhanced


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Contact Enhanced on transifex

You can find Contact Enhanced under this URL:

Request a Team/Mebership of a team

To control who is translating what, there are teams for each language: Please create a new team for your language if there is no yet. Please use the five digit xx_XX language code instead of the two digit language code. Or request a membership to a specific language.

Doing the translation

Go back to the mainpage of the Contact Enhanced project page: There you can see a list of the language files. To translate one of those just click on it. On the next side you can see some additional info and below is a list of the available languages. If your language is not listed, just click on add Translation and choose you language. If your language is available, you can click on it. Now you get a popup with some options. You can upload your local .ini file and transifex will find the translations automatically or you can click on Translate now. When you press on Translate now you get a new view with all strings which are translated or should be translated. Just fill your translations into the text fields and press save. When you are done with this file, go to the next ;)

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