
You can easily change the field size in any Custom Field (types: Text, Textarea, selectlist,...)


  1. Have watched the Custom Fields -> Basic Features screencast;

How to:

There are three ways to accomplish this:

1. Using the Attributes Box:

  • Select Components → Contact Enhanced → Custom Fields from the drop-down menu on the back-end of your Joomla! installation, then select the Custom Field you want to change;
  • Then in the Attributes box add style="width:98%" or any other value in % or px (pixels);
  • Save;
  • Note: You have to do this for each custom field;

2. Using the CSS Custom Field type;

  • Select Components → Contact Enhanced → Custom Fields from the drop-down menu on the back-end of your Joomla! installation, then add a New the Custom Field and set it's type to CSS;
  • In the Value box, under Custom Field Details add the CSS rule below:
    .ce-cf-container .inputbox{width:98%} 

3. Adding the CSS rule above to the css file:

  • [Path to Joomla 1.5]/components/com_contact_enhanced/assets/css/validate.css
  • [Path to Joomla 2.5]/components/com_contactenhanced/assets/css/ce.css


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