
With Contact Enhanced SalesForce integration you can capture contact information from users and automatically generate new leads in, enabling you to respond in real-time to customer requests.


  • All Form Fields Aliases must be the same as SalesForce's WebToLead field names;


1. Log in to, then click on [Your Name] Setup Customize Leads Web-to-Lead, then Click on Generate, find your OID and copy the value;

2. Select Components → Contact Enhanced → Contacts from the drop-down menu on the back-end of your Joomla! installation; Then edit an existing contact or create a new one;

3. Under the Integrations tab set the "" to Yes and enter the OID you've copied from;

4. Make sure the Custom Field's Aliases matches SalesForce field's names, except for First Name and Last Name, which you must use the Name and Surname Custom Field types, which do not let you change the Alias;



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