This feature is deprecated.

Please use Contact Fields instead.


Contact Enhanced →Contacts have a full range of fields (address, telephones, Skype, Social Networks, Website, Birth date), however you might need to display a Custom information. With that specific need in mind we've created the Contact Extra Fields.

The Contact Extra Fields were implemented to give the users a bit of flexibility in order to add more Contact Details (up to 10) in the Single Contact and in the Category list menu items.

Extra Fields


You can add any data, including HTML, in ALL Extra Fields, but there is an HTML WYSIWYG Editor only for Extra Fields 1 to 4. WYSIWYG Editors take a while to load, so to save load time only 4 of them have the editor. Also, if you need to add plain text Contact info (details), please use the Extra Fields 5 through 10, because most editors automatically add a <p> tag.This fields will display below the other Contact Details.

To translate the labels go to Extensions → Language Manager :: Overrides and add New overrides for




TIP: You can also choose the content of an extra field to display in Google Maps Balloon (aka, Info Window), in case you use the maps.

In order to keep the same load time, the fields are saved to the same database table, therefore it does not allow us to implement an easier way to add labels to them, so you need to change the labels using the the Language override as explained in the Contact Edit page under the Extra Fields tab.

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