Contact Enhanced is now compatible with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), with a few exceptions.

Setting up

Tested with JAmp

We've tested with JAmp, but it should be compatible with any Joomla AMP plugin, as long as it has similar options and supports AMP Ajax Forms.
  1. In JAMP configuration page you can enable all Contact Enhanced views, except the Edit view.
  2. In the Custom CSS field add:
    /* Each field and label will display in a single row  */
    .ce-cf-container .inputbox, .ce-cf-container label{display:block;width:95%}​
    /* Hide the form on success (after form is successfully submitted) */
    .amp-form-submit-success #form{display:none}
  3. Under the Features tab in JAMP enable:
    • Set "Enable Images Lightbox" to "Yes, exclude href images";
    • AMP Forms;
      • Set AMP Form CSS Selector to form.ampform
    • Add .noamp to Elements to remove by CSS selectors.
  4. Go to ComponentsContact Enhanced, click on the button
    • Under the Contact Form Tab set "Session Check" to No.
    • Under the Integrations tab there are two options to enable AMP for Contact Enhanced Forms.
      1. Ajax: This option will submit the form using Ajax, however all Form Fields that require javascript will not work (see list below). Captcha is not fully supported by AMP yet. The reload button is hidden because it wouldn't work properly so we've added a few more options to the Captcha plugin, so different and easier to guess image can be served to mobile users;
        If you don't need these features, then choose the Ajax option.
      2. IFrame: With this option Contact Enhanced Contact Form will display inside an iframe HTML element and will have all features a regular Contact Enhanced Contact form already has.
    • The"AMP Suffix" option under the Integrations tab, must match the setting in the AMP plugin. The default is amp.

Keep in mind:

HTML Forms with AMP only work on HTTPS:// sites. In other words, Contact Enhanced Contact Forms will not work if your website doesn't have a valid SSL certificate. The Contact page will still display all the other information correctly.


  1. Thumbnail views, require Javascript, therefore it is not supported;
  2. Google Maps integration displays a static map image instead of an interactive map; When Clicked on the static image it will expand. Images Lightbox must be enabled in JAMP plugin;

AMP Exceptions for Contact Enhanced using the Ajax option

  1. Captcha is not fully supported by AMP yet.
  2. The following Form Fields are not supported:
    • Auto Complete
    • Calendar
    • GMaps Address
    • Javascript Code
    • Multiple Files Upload
    • Form Pagination
    • SQL
    • Password
  3. Signature Pad;
  4. Ideal Store Locator (iStoreLocator);


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