The Contact Enhanced plugin for OSMap enables you to show your Contacts and Contact Enhanced Categories into the OSMap site map.

Install the plugin

  • First, you need to install and configure OSMap Component. You can download it here.
  • Then,    download the plugin
  • Log in to your Administrator area (back-end), then click on the menu "Extensions » Manage » Install".
  • Browse for the Contact Enhanced plugin for OSMap you just downloaded and then click on the button "Upload File & Install".
  • You should now see the Contact Enhanced Plugin for OSMap in the Joomla Extensions » Plugins manager. Now, you have to publish the Contact Enhanced Plugin for OSMap and your Contacts and categories should be visible in your site map.



You can set some parameters into the Contact Enhanced plugin to display your site map:

OSMap Sitemap Plugin for Contact Enhanced: Plugin Configuration

Plugin tab

Expand Categories
Set true if OSMap should include the Contacts within each category link
Expand Featured
Set true if OSMap should include the Contacts within each "Contact Enhanced » Featured Contacts" link
Include Archived
Select when should the archived contacts be included in the sitemap
Show Unauthorized Links
If enabled, will show links to contacts to registered content even if you are not logged in.  The user will need to login to see the item in full.
Max. Contacts per Category
Maximum number of Contacts per category to include in the sitemap (0 for no limit).
Specify how to sort the Contacts
Ordering direction
Specify the direction for contacts's ordering

OSMap Sitemap Plugin for Contact Enhanced: Plugin XML Configuration

XML tab

Add images?
If enabled, will get the Contact Image and Contact Category image to add them to the site map. Valid Only for XML site map (Search engines Sitemap) 
Category Priority
Set the priority for the categories
Category Change frequency
Set the change frequency for the categories
Contact Priority
Set the priority for contacts
Contact Change frequency
Set the change frequency for Contacts

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