This plugin is required only for Joomla 3. Contact Enhanced for Joomla 4 has this plugin built in and it works as any other Form Field. It's available in Contact Enhanced PRO package.

The Contact Enhanced plugin for SharpSpring enables you to integrate Contact Enhanced with SharpSpring. SharpSpring is a Complete Sales & Marketing Platform. SharpSpring marketing automation helps marketers drive more leads, convert more leads to sales, and optimize marketing ROI

Install the plugin

  • It's included in the Contact Enhanced PRO package, you can download it from My Account » My Downloads page.
  • Log in to your Administrator area (back-end), then click on the menu "Extensions » Manage » Install".
  • Browse for the Contact Enhanced plugin for SharpSpring you just downloaded and then click on the button "Upload File & Install".
  • You should now see the Contact Enhanced Plugin for SharpSpring in the Joomla Extensions » Plugins manager.
  • Now, you have to publish the plugin and map Contact Enhanced Form Fields to SharpSpring's Fields;


You have to set some parameters into the plugin. The first thing you need to do is go to Extensions » Plugins, search for SharpSpring Enable the plugin and edit it.

SharpSrping Configuration tab

Set the Account ID and Secret Key.  To access SharpSpring's API and create API keys, do the following:

  1. In SharpSpring's top toolbar, click 
      User Settings > Settings.
  2. In the left panel, under SharpSpring API, click API Settings.
  3. Access your SharpSpring API keys under Account ID and Secret Key.
  4. Click Generate New API Keys for new API keys.

Plugin Tab

You'll see a SS Integration Rules field. You'll have to add a different rule for each Contact Enhanced Category you want to submit new leads to SharpSpring.

Each rule has a Category and a SharpSpring Field Association Fields. You can add as many SharpSpring Field Association Fields as you need. With this field, you'll link your Contact Enhanced to SharpSpring. See the screenshot below.

The UTM Tag Fields require iSEKeywords (Included in Contact Enhanced PRO package) to be enabled and configured. 

When your form is submitted this plugin will create a lead in SharpSpring with the linked Form Fields.

If the plugin is not working, please set the Error Reporting in Joomla Global Configuration to either Maximum or Development and submit the form again in order to see any error returned by SharpSpring's API.


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