This screen is used to add new or edit existing Word Liking Keywords.

Word Linking automatically creates links out of selected words in your Joomla! content articles. You can link specific words to Menu items, Articles, or URLs. Each Word Linking Rule can be assigned to specific menu items and have a limited number of occurrences (replacements).

How to Access

Home Dashboard  Components → Ideal Related Articles → Word Linking

To add a new Word Linking Rule:

  • click the New toolbar button

To edit an Existing Word Linking Rule:

  • select a Keyword from the list


Word Linking Edit Page
Word Linking Edit Page


Form Fields

  • Keywords. Add words or phrases separated by commas or press the ENTER key to create new keywords. Articles in Joomla containing these keywords will be displayed as links according to the settings below.
  • Tooltip. Enter a link description which will be the link title attribute. HTML is NOT allowed.
  • Description. The description is just a note for you. It won't be displayed to the user.
  • Type. There are 3 types available. When selected it will display one of the three fields below: 
    • Article: The Word Linking Rule will create a link to an article for the Keywords in this rule.
    • Menu Item: The Word Linking Rule will create a link to the selected menu item for the Keywords in this rule.
    • URL: The Word Linking Rule will create a link to the URL selected for the Keywords in this rule. Useful when you want to link to a page outside your Joomla site.
  • Target. Target browser window when the link is clicked.
  • Max Replacements. The maximum number of replacements for this rule.
  • Case Sensitive. Whether or not this rule is case sensitive. If set to Yes, it will apply this rule to all keywords, regardless if the word is in upper or lower case.
  • Link Attributes. Any XHTML Attribute (style, rel,..), for example rel="nofollow" style="color:#888" Any inline javascript event (onclick,..)

Right Panel

  • Status. The published status of this Word Linking Rule.
    • Published: Word Linking Rule will run in the plugin and replace it with the link.
    • Unpublished: Word Linking Rule will not run.
    • Trashed: Word Linking Rule is deleted from the site but still in the database. You have to filter by trashed items to delete the Word Linking Rule in the trash.
  • Language. Select the language for this Word Linking Rule. Keep the default of 'All' if you are not using the multi-language feature.
  • Create Date. Show the Word Linking Rule's create date.
  • Modify Date. Show the Rule's modify date.
  • Publish Date. Show the Rule's start publishing date.


At the top of the page, you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above.

  • Save. Saves the Word Linking Rule and stays on the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the Word Linking Rule and closes the current screen.
    • Save & New. Saves the Word Linking Rule and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another Word Linking Rule.
    • Save as Copy. Saves your changes to a copy of the current Word Linking Rule. Does not affect the current rule.
  • Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.

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