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Not receiving your mail? It is usually related to mail server misconfiguration or security rules; Here are a few common problems to check:

  1. Does your account have SPAM filters?
    If it does, check your junk mail folder (or trash, or whatever your particular program calls it.) It may have been received and filtered out. Fortunately most programs allow you to add it to a list of safe senders so it won't be filtered out in the future. If you set the mail settings to use SMTP usually solves this problem;
  2. Are you sending to a legal address?
    • a) Depending on how your host has things configured, sometimes you can't send a form mail to yourself@THISaddress.com if your form is on www.THATaddress.com. You may need to setup an email that corresponds to the site you are sending from, or see if your host allows you to add your other email address as an allowed recipient. Since all hosts are different, the best thing you can do is contact them.
    • b) Special email sending requirements (e.g. the sender must be a valid email address in the website domain, whereas FormMail tries to make the email you receive look like it came From the person who filled out your form).
  3. Is the Menu configured correctly?
    • Sometimes Contact Enhanced might not work properly when you copy the menu or just change before creating a new one. Delete the menu item and create a new one from scratch  to make sure the menu is working properly;
  4. Have you been testing the "Custom reply" feature?
    • You might have set up the "Custom reply" parameter to Yes. Custom reply is to be used by advanced users in order to integrate with other systems; If you don't know what it is for, please make sure it is set to No.
  5. Do you need authentication?
    When you send email from your mail program or Joomla,  you need to provide a password for outgoing mail (outgoing mail authentication?). If you are unsure because you set up your mail a long time ago, the best thing to do is ask your host. This is usually required because most mail servers nowadays have implemented DMARC policy in order to help reduce the potential for email-based abuse. For more information please go to the DMARC website.

    Our extensions use Joomla framework and configuration to send emails and some mail servers will not work correctly with Sendmail or PHP Mailer because of the DMARC policy mentioned above. Therefore these servers require that unauthenticated emails must be sent from or to an email address @your-domain.com, or do not allow unauthenticated emails. It seems to be your case, specially if only the copy message is sent.

    We always recommend to set the mailer to SMTP in the Joomla Global Configuration under the Server tab. This will avoid many mail problems, including your contact message be marked as SPAM.
    Go to Global Configuration and set these options below accordingly to your server. If you are unsure how to do it, please contact your web hosting provider and he will be able to give you this information:

    Mailer: SMTP Server
    SMTP Authentication:
    SMTP Security:
    SMTP Port:
    SMTP Username:
    SMTP Password:
    SMTP Host:
  6. On Rochen Servers:
    You can use Joomla default mailer configuration, but you might need to set "Email Sender" to Contact in Contact Enhanced's Options (button in the toolbar);
    If you are using a Reseller Plan. When creating new accounts, make sureto enable SPF or DKIM records under "Email Authentication".
  7. On Linux Servers if mail is hosted remotely:
    If your mail is hosted remotely from your server make sure the domain is located in etc/remotedomains instead of etc/localdomains otherwise make sure it is in etc/localdomains;

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