{gdata id=|4g-KZdpjb1g|}


  1. Blank;
  2. Some text or Values separated by | (if you want to display as a select list)
  3. If the Form Field is set to hide you can add any Form Field input in the Subject by adding the following syntax {ALIAS} where ALIAS is the Form Field ALIAS; The {ALIAS} cannot be a checkbox Form Field;

Subject Form Field Parameters

With the Subject Form Field type you have four options of prefix, which will be added after the field is submitted:

  1. None: No prefix will be added;
  2. Custom Text: You can add your custom text for the prefix. You can also add any Form Field input {name}, {email}, {user_ip} or any other form field with the following syntax {ALIAS} where ALIAS is the Form Field ALIAS; The {ALIAS} cannot be a checkbox;
  3. Site Name: Will prepend the site name to the subject;
  4. Current Content Title: In case the form is embeded in an article using the Content plugin, this option will prepend the content title to the subject;

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