Select Components → Contact Enhanced → Contacts from the drop-down menu on the back-end of your Joomla! installation.


The Contact Enhanced Manager screen allows you to add contact information to your Joomla! site. You can enter information such as name, address, phone and e-mail. You can also link contacts to registered users. Afterwards, you can use the Menu Manager to create front-end links to the the contacts.



Column Headers

Click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.

  • #. An indexing number automatically assigned by Contact Enhanced for ease of reference.

  • Checkbox. Check this box to select one or more items. To select all items, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected item or items. Many toolbar actions, such as Publish and Unpublish, can work with multiple items. Others, such as Edit, only work on one item at a time. If multiple items are checked and you press Edit, the first item will be opened for editing.

  • Name. The name of the Contact. You can click on the Name to open the Contact for editing.

  • Published. Whether the item has been published or not. You can change the Published state by clicking on the icon in this column.

  • Order. The order to display items. If the list is sorted by this column, you can change the order by clicking the arrows or by entering the sequential order and clicking 'Save Order'. Note that the display order on a page is set in the Parameters - Advanced section for each Menu Item. If that order is set to use something other than 'Order' (for example, 'Title - Alphabetical'), then the order value in this screen will be ignored. If the Menu Item Order parameter is set to use 'Order', then the items will display on the page based on the order in this screen.

  • Access Level. Who has access to this item. Current options are:

    • Public: Everyone has access

    • Registered: Only registered users have access

    • Special: Only users with author status or higher have access

You can change an item's Access Level by clicking on the icon in the column.

  • Category. The Category that this Contact belongs to. Clicking on the Category Title opens the Category for editing. Note that Contact Categories are separate from other Categories, such as those for Articles, Banners, Newsfeeds, and Web Links.

  • Linked to User. The username this contact is linked to (if applicable).

  • ID. The ID number. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Contact Enhanced. It is used to identify the item internally. You can not change this number.

  • Display #. The number of items to display on one page. If there are more items than this number, you can use the page navigation buttons (Start, Prev, Next, End, and page numbers) to navigate between pages. Note that if you have a large number of items, it may be helpful to use the Filter options, located above the column headings, to limit which items display.


At the top right you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • Publish. To publish one or more items, select them and click on this button.

  • Unpublish. To unpublish one or more items, select them and click on this button.

  • Delete. To delete one or more items, select them and click this button. The selected items will be deleted.

  • Edit. Select one item and click on this button to open it in edit mode. If you have more than one item selected, the first item will be opened. You can also open an item for editing by clicking on its Title or Name.

  • New. Click on this button to create a new item. You will enter the New page for this item.

  • Parameters. See Global Configuration section below.

  • Help. Opens this Help Screen.

Global Configuration

Click the Parameters button to open the Contact Enhanced Global Configuration window. This window allows you to set default parameters for Contact Enhanced, as shown below.

  • Save. Press Save to save your settings.

  • Cancel. Press Cancel to cancel your changes.

  • Captcha. Press Disable to disable Captcha in all forms
  • Thank you message.What message to show after the form is submitted. Select an option from the list:
    • Joomla Default: Displays a "Thank you message" right above the form;
    • Show sent email message: Shows to the user the email that was just sent;
    • Javascript Alert: Shows a Thank you message in a Javascript Alert style;
    • Custom Redirect:The page is going to be redirected to the URL listed in the Custom Redirect option.
  • Custom Redirect: Redirect after submit email. Place an external URL starting with http or an internal URL starting with index.php;
  • Show User Info: Show User Info on email. User info = IP, Operating System, Screen size and Web Browser;
  • Max File Size: Max File size (in Kb) for attachments files;
  • Icons/Text. Whether an Icon, Text or nothing is displayed next to the Contact fields.

  • Address Icon. Icon to use for Address. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are loaded by your template, or you can choose which icons to use in the Component Options

  • E-mail Icon. (Hide/Show/Use Global) Whether or not to display a button to allow a link to the Article to be e-mailed. This displays a form that allows the user to send an e-mail with a link to the current Article.

  • Telephone Icon. Icon to use for Telephone. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are loaded by your template, or you can choose which icons to use in the Component Options

  • Mobile Icon. Icon to use for Mobile phone. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are loaded by your template, or you can choose which icons to use in the Component Options

  • Fax Icon. Icon to use for Fax. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are loaded by your template, or you can choose which icons to use in the Component Options

  • Miscellaneous Icon. Icon to use for Miscellaneous. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are loaded by your template, or you can choose which icons to use in the Component Options

  • Show Table Headings. Hide or Show the column headings (Name, Address, and so on) in the Contact Category Layout.

  • Show Contact Position. Hide or Show the Contact's Position.

  • Show E-mail Address. Hide or Show the Contact's E-mail address.

  • Show Telephone Number. Hide or Show the Contact's Telephone number.

  • Show Mobile Number. Hide or Show the Contact's Mobile phone number.

  • Show Fax Number. Hide or Show the Contact's Fax number.

  • Enable vCard. Whether or not to enable vCard support for Contacts. vCard is a special file format for electronic business cards. This allows contact information to be sent in a standard way via e-mail. Note that this parameter must be set to "Yes" for the vCard feature to work. If this parameter is "No" and vCard is set to "Show" for a Contact, the vCard link will show but the link will not work correctly. It will only show a blank screen.

  • Banned E-mail. Enter any e-mails to be banned from the site. E-mail addresses containing any of the listed text will be banned. Separate different words with semi-colons ';'. For example, the entry "spam;junk" would ban e-mail addresses such as "" or "".

  • Banned Subject. Enter any e-mail subject words to be banned from the site. Separate different words with semi-colons ';'. For example, the entry "spam;junk" would ban e-mail subjects such as "This is not spam" or "I Like Junk".

  • Banned Text. Enter any e-mail text words to be banned from the site. Separate different words with semi-colons ';'. For example, the entry "spam;junk" would ban e-mail content such as "This is not spam" or "I Like Junk".

  • Session Check. Whether or not to check for the existence of a Session Cookie on the User's computer. If set to 'Yes', Users without Cookies enabled will not be able to send e-mails.

  • Custom Reply. Whether or not to use the Custom Reply. Setting this to 'No' allows integration to other systems.

List Filters

Filter by Partial Title

You can filter the list of items by typing in part of the Title or the ID number. You can also select a combination of Category and Published State.

  • Filter. In the upper left corner just above the column headings is a Filter field and two buttons, as shown below:


    If you have a large number of items on the list, you can use this filter to find the desired item(s) quickly.

Filter by Category and Published State

In the upper right area, above the column headings, are 2 drop-down list boxes as shown below:


The selections may be combined. Only items matching both selections will display in the list.

  • Select Category. Use the drop-down list box to select the desired Category. Only items in this Category will display.

  • Select State. Use the drop-down list box to select the published state: Published or Unpublished.

Quick Tips

  • You need to add at least one Category for your Contact Enhanced before you can add your first Contact. Categories are added using the Contact Enhanced Category Manager.

For most screenshots I've used Firefox and Ubuntu Studio so it might look a little different.

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