How to Access

Navigate to the Contact Enhanced Manager. To add a new Contact, press the "New" icon in the toolbar. To edit an existing Contact, click on the Contact's Name or click the Contact's checkbox and then click on the "Edit" icon in the toolbar.


This is where you can add a Contact or edit an existing Contact. Contact Enhanced allow you to list people on your web site. They also allow users to send e-mails to those people.


Contact Edit

Details and Parameters

In this section, you can enter information about the Contact, such as name, address, e-mail, and so on. The Parameters allow you to control what information gets displayed for each Contact.


  • Name. The full name of the Contact.

  • Alias. The internal name of the item. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla! will fill in a default value. The default value is the Title or Name in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces. You may enter the Alias manually. The Alias should consist of lowercase letters, and no blank spaces are allowed. Use a hyphen (-) instead. The Alias will be used in the URL when SEF is activated.

  • Published. Whether or not Users can view this Contact's information

  • Category. Select the Category for this Contact from the drop-down list box. Note that you must have at least one Contact Category defined before you can add a Contact.

  • Linked to User. Select the User, if any, that this Contact is linked to from the drop-down list box. This allows you to link this Contact's information to a registered Joomla! User. If this Contact is not linked to a User, select "-No User-".

  • Order. Indicates the order of this Contact in the Contact Manager. The default Order is to add the item to the end of the list. This Contact will move to the position just after the Contact selected from the drop-down list. Note that the Order of Contacts can also be changed in the Contact Manager.

  • Access Level. Who has access to this item. Current options are:

    • Public: Everyone has access

    • Registered: Only registered users have access

    • Special: Only users with author status or higher have access

  • Enter the desired level using the drop-down list box.
    • ID. The ID number. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the item internally, for example in internal links. You can not change this number.


    • Contact's Position: The Contact's current position.

    • E-mail. The Contact's e-mail address. Note that e-mail addresses in Joomla! can be protected from "spambots" by enabling "Content-Email Cloaking" in the Plugin Manager. This is enabled by default.

    • Street Address. The Contact's street address.

    • Town/Suburb. The Contact's town or suburb.

    • State/County. The Contact's state or county.

    • Postal Code/ZIP. The Contact's postal code.

    • Country. The Contact's country.

    • Telephone. The Contact's phone number.

    • Mobile Phone Number: The Contact's mobile phone number.

    • Fax. The Contact's fax number.

    • Web URL. The Contact's web site address.

    • Miscellaneous Information. Other information about this Contact. HTML is allowed in this field.

    • SideBar. Any information about this Contact or the form or anything you would like. HTML is allowed in this field.

    • Contact Image. Image to display for this Contact. Select an image file from the drop-down list box. This lists images in the 'images/stories' folder. Images can be uploaded using the Media Manager.

    Contact Parameters

    • Name. Hide or Show the Contact's Name.

    • Contact's Position. Hide or Show the Contact's Position.

    • E-mail. Hide or Show the Contact's e-mail address.

    • Street Address. Hide or Show the Contact's street address.

    • Town/Suburb. Hide or Show the Contact's town or suburb.

    • State/County. Hide or Show the Contact's state or county.

    • Postal/Zip Code. Hide or Show the Contact's postal code.

    • Country. Hide or Show the Contact's country.

    • Telephone. Hide or Show the Contact's telephone number.

    • Mobile Phone Number. Hide or Show the Contact's mobile phone number.

    • Fax. Hide or Show the Contact's fax number.

    • Web URL. Hide or Show the Contact's web site URL.

    • Miscellaneous Information. Hide or Show any miscellaneous information entered for this Contact.

    • Contact Image. Hide or Show the Contact's image.

    • vCard. Hide or Show the vCard link for this Contact. Note that the "Enable vCard" parameter in the Contact Enhanced Manager - Parameters must be set to "Yes" for this option to work correctly. Otherwise, pressing the vCard link will just show a blank screen.

    Advanced Parameters

    Clicking on the "Advanced Parameters" heading displays the Advanced Parameters screen, as shown below:
    • Show SideBar:Choose whether you want to show the sidebar at the right, left or if you want to show it at all;


    • Sidebar width: Select the width percentage for the Sidebar column; It is a percentage of the whole width;
    • Icons/Text. Whether to display an Icon, Text or nothing next to the Contact fields.

    • Address Icon. Icon to use for Address. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are located in the 'images/M_images' folder.

    • E-mail Icon. (Hide/Show/Use Global) Whether or not to display a button to allow a link to the Article to be e-mailed. This displays a form that allows the user to send an e-mail with a link to the current Article.

    • Telephone Icon. Icon to use for Telephone. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are located in the 'images/M_images' folder.

    • Mobile Icon. Icon to use for Mobile phone. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are located in the 'images/M_images' folder.

    • Fax Icon. Icon to use for Fax. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are located in the 'images/M_images' folder.

    • Miscellaneous Icon. Icon to use for Miscellaneous. Select an image file in the drop-down list box. These images are located in the 'images/M_images' folder.

    E-mail Parameters

    Clicking on the "Advanced Parameters" heading displays the E-mail Parameters screen, as shown below:

    • E-mail Form. Hide or Show the E-mail form. If Show is selected, a form is displayed that allows the user to send an e-mail to the Contact from the web site.

    • Description Text. Optional description text for the E-mail form. E-mail copy. Hide or Show the checkbox: 'E-mail a copy of this message to your own address.'

    • Banned E-mail. Enter any e-mails to be banned from the site. E-mail addresses containing any of the listed text will be banned. Separate different words with semi-colons ';'. For example, the entry "spam;junk" would ban e-mail addresses such as "" or "".

    • Banned Subject. Enter any e-mail subject words to be banned from the site. Separate different words with semi-colons ';'. For example, the entry "spam;junk" would ban e-mail subjects such as "This is not spam" or "I Like Junk".

    • Banned Text. Enter any e-mail text words to be banned from the site. Separate different words with semi-colons ';'. For example, the entry "spam;junk" would ban e-mail content such as "This is not spam" or "I Like Junk".


    At the top right you will see the toolbar:


    The functions are:

    • Save. Save it and return to the main screen of the Manager.

    • Apply. Save it, but stay in the same screen. If you have been working on a screen for a long time and don't want to risk losing your work, pressing Apply saves your work and lets you continue working. If, for example, you lost your Internet connection, your work will be saved up this point.

    • Close. Return to the previous screen without saving your work. If you press Close while adding a new item, this new item will not be created. If you were modifying an existing item, the modifications will not be saved.

    • Help. Opens this Help Screen.

    Points to Watch

    • At least one Contact Enhanced Category must be added before adding the first Contact.

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