Support Forum

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Also, most questions are already answered in our FAQ and in iFAQ and Contact Enhanced documentation pages.

× Contact Enhanced is a contact component manager created to replace Joomla! core contacts component and add lots of advantages and new features (see Features ) and it offers many plugins and modules for several different purposes,
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0: Unsupported operand types: int + string

2 weeks 2 days ago #27371 by ClaudioRomeo
I just migrated from Joomla 4.x to Joomla 5.1.
Everything works fine, exept Securimage.
The Contact page can't be loaded and the error in the Subject appears.
I downloaded and installed the new version of Securimage, but the error is still there.
What can I do?

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2 weeks 2 days ago #27372 by support
Dear Claudio,

I'm investigating the issue.

Can you enable System Debug and set Error Reporting to Maximum in Joomla Global Configuration? Then reload the page where you get that error and you'll now see a call stack, please share the call stack here, so we know exactly which file and line is throwing that error.

Thank you.

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2 weeks 2 days ago #27373 by ClaudioRomeo
Here is the error. You can read it by yourself here:
Once in home page, click the Contattami menu.
Thank you!

0 - Unsupported operand types: int + string

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Unsupported operand types: int + string
Call Stack
# Function Location
1 () JROOT/plugins/captcha/securimage/src/Helper/SecurimageHelper.php:128
2 IdealExtensions\Plugin\Captcha\SecurImage\Helper\SecurimageHelper->getCaptchaHtmlCode() JROOT/plugins/captcha/securimage/src/Helper/SecurimageHelper.php:145
3 IdealExtensions\Plugin\Captcha\SecurImage\Helper\SecurimageHelper::getCaptchaHtml() JROOT/plugins/captcha/securimage/securimage.php:451
4 plgCaptchaSecurimage->onDisplay() JROOT/libraries/src/Captcha/Captcha.php:261
5 Joomla\CMS\Captcha\Captcha->update() JROOT/libraries/src/Captcha/Captcha.php:188
6 Joomla\CMS\Captcha\Captcha->display() JROOT/plugins/pagebuilderck/contact2/contact2.php:268
7 plgPagebuilderckContact2->onPagebuilderckRenderItemContact2() JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/CMSPlugin.php:289
8 Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure}() JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/event/src/Dispatcher.php:454
9 Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/EventAware.php:111
10 Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication->triggerEvent() JROOT/administrator/components/com_pagebuilderck/helpers/ckfof.php:501
11 Pagebuilderck\CKFof::triggerEvent() JROOT/components/com_pagebuilderck/models/page.php:651
12 PagebuilderckModelPage->renderElement() JROOT/components/com_pagebuilderck/models/page.php:570
13 PagebuilderckModelPage->replaceElement() JROOT/components/com_pagebuilderck/models/page.php:185
14 PagebuilderckModelPage->parseHtml() JROOT/modules/mod_pagebuilderck/mod_pagebuilderck.php:41
15 include() JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/ModuleDispatcher.php:52
16 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ModuleDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}() JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/ModuleDispatcher.php:55
17 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ModuleDispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:291
18 Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::renderRawModule() JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:162
19 Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::renderModule() JROOT/libraries/src/Document/Renderer/Html/ModuleRenderer.php:99
20 Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html\ModuleRenderer->render() JROOT/plugins/content/loadmodule/src/Extension/LoadModule.php:245
21 Joomla\Plugin\Content\LoadModule\Extension\LoadModule->loadID() JROOT/plugins/content/loadmodule/src/Extension/LoadModule.php:156
22 Joomla\Plugin\Content\LoadModule\Extension\LoadModule->onContentPrepare() JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/CMSPlugin.php:289
23 Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure}() JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/event/src/Dispatcher.php:454
24 Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/components/com_content/src/View/Article/HtmlView.php:237
25 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\View\Article\HtmlView->display() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:697
26 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() JROOT/components/com_content/src/Controller/DisplayController.php:122
27 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Controller\DisplayController->display() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:730
28 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/ComponentDispatcher.php:143
29 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/components/com_content/src/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:56
30 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Dispatcher\Dispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:361
31 Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218
32 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:261
33 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:306
34 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT/includes/app.php:58
35 require_once() JROOT/index.php:32

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2 weeks 2 days ago #27374 by support
Dear Claudio,

Thank you for sharing that.
I see what's the problem and why I couldn't reproduce it locally. Saving the Captcha Parameters again might fix the issue for you. However, I'll create a new package with the fix in a few minutes and send it to you.

Best regards,

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