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[Solved] Display Category Anchors- Inline Anchors

12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #8894 by sarrene
I am wondering how to display the category anchors at the top of the faq page. I have tried almost all settings (i am sure i may have missed one or two somewhere) and have yet to get the links to show up.

Eventually I would like to have them horizontal instead of vertical. However, I need to figure out how to get them to show up first.

Any help is more than welcome,
Thank you very much for your time,

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12 years 6 months ago #8895 by douglas
Dear Sarrene,

I forgot to implement this option to the Joomla 1.7 version.
I've sent a couple files to you in order to add this option.

You will find this option under the Categories tab in MooFAQ Configuration (Options button)

Best regards,

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #8896 by sarrene
I have added these two files as they should be. I have enabled the plugins and anchors in the settings. In the menu item, I have everything set to use global. However, I still cannot seem to get them to work.

I even switched over to the default template Beez5, and no luck. Figured it was worth a try just in case it was a template issue.

Any thoughts on what I am missing now?

Thanks! And sorry to be a pain,

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have purged the cache and deleted all expired as well. I am also using the Basic Template with some minor css edits for color. No other changes were made to MooFAQ beyond the looks.

EDIT 2: I responded back to the email with login information. Not sure where I am going wrong, or what I am missing now.

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12 years 6 months ago #8898 by douglas
Dear Sarrene,

I've sent a fix to you over 30 minutes ago.
Did you get it?

Best regards,

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12 years 6 months ago #8902 by sarrene
Sorry about the delay in response. We had some network issues after I was able to get that applied.

I sent you an email response since I could not access your site last night, not sure why (kept receiving a 500 error here) to let you know it did work! If your site was not down, could have been related to our dns issues here.

To repeat the email here so everyone knows.. it worked GREAT! Perfect in fact.

Again, great work and THANK YO so much! This was much faster than I had ever expected. Then again, you always are quite speedy in your support. It is always refreshing.

Now, to figure out how to list those horizontally instead of vertically.


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12 years 6 months ago #8903 by douglas
Dear Sarrene,

In order to diplay horizontally, please open the CSS file and add this rule:

Best regards,

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #8904 by sarrene
Ooohh! I will try this out right away! I knew it had to have inline there, though I had not had a chance to try yet. Now you have distracted me! :P

Anyways, I will let you know how it turns out for sure! Thanks boss!

EDIT: Working on this now, but does not seem to work out. I think something in the template itself might be distracting from the commands. However in firebug it is not showing that this is being over ridden.
Instead it seems to actually push the list a bit to the left. Thoughts?

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12 years 6 months ago #8905 by sarrene
Okay, it still needs some adjustment to it.. but I Think I am getting there. I also specified a few more parameters in the css- p,ul and li.
.moofaq-anchors p {display: inline;}
.moofaq-anchors ul, .moofaq-anchors li {display: inline;margin: 0;padding: 0;color: #339;font-weight: bold;}

I now need to adjust the spacing itself. or add in a separator in between each of them. Let me know if this looks good.. or if there is a cleaner way of attempting this? I will post up final css once I get this figured out.


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12 years 6 months ago #8907 by sarrene
Okay, boss.. I think I have the spacing correct, and I removed the background to the hover for the anchors. (it was taking on the panel hover properties). I hate using !important, though it was the only solution i could find that worked and was not overridden.

The hover colour is custom based on my templates style. So if anyone wants to adjust the hover colour, they would need to add in their own.

So, here is what i have:
.moofaq-anchors a:hover{background:transparent!important; color:#44180F!important;}
.moofaq-anchors p {display: inline;}
.moofaq-anchors ul, .moofaq-anchors li {display: inline;margin: 0;padding-right: 15px;padding-left: 5px;color: #339;font-weight: bold;}

Let me know what you think.


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12 years 6 months ago #8909 by douglas
Dear Sarrene,

Thanks for sharing.

All the best,

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12 years 6 months ago #8961 by PeterV
Hey, I just bought the 1.7 version and would also like to get my anchors back :)

Could you send me those files too?

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12 years 6 months ago #8962 by douglas
Dear Peter,

I'll try to create a new version by the end of the day. Can you wait?

Best regards,

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