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"Wrong Validation Code" error in Safari and Chrome

13 years 10 months ago #3495 by douglas
Dear blue_shift,

It is still not working.
Can you please provide an administrator account so I can take a closer look?
You can send the login details to the forum's email address.

Kind regards,

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13 years 10 months ago #3496 by blue_Shift
confirming receipt of two emails, and a successful test of my own from Safari

btw, the Capcha now looks totally different

what was the fix?

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13 years 10 months ago #3497 by douglas
Dear blue_shift,

For some reason unknown to me MathGuard and SecurImage are not working on your site.

These two captcha libraries stores the challenge in a session variable and I guess there is a problem there, so I configured it to use reCaptcha which uses a totally different logic and it is stored at Google, so you don't have to worry about nothing more...

Your template adds a float:left property to the labels, so they are not looking very nice.
You can open:
Find this:{display:block}
and change for this:{width:90px}

Best regards,

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13 years 10 months ago #3498 by blue_Shift
thanks for the tip on the CSS. I was going to start hunting for it....

Does secureImage use JQuery? IAdditional instances of JQuery sometimes makes problems happen.

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13 years 10 months ago #3499 by douglas
Dear Blue_shift,

No, I don't use JQuery in my extensions. I try my best to use most of the Joomla framework in order to avoid incompatibilities, therefore I only use MooTools for the Javascript library.


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13 years 2 months ago #5685 by clientfinder

Thanks for the great extensions; I love 'em.

The file upload feature works great in IE/FF. However, I'm experiencing similar trouble in that my contact form/upload feature is not working properly in Safari. I'm getting the following error:

Wrong Validation Code

Can you help me with a solution? Here's a URL:

You have to register to test. Is this okay? Hope so!



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13 years 2 months ago #5689 by douglas
Dear Jason,

Well, this does not make sense to me, because the validation is done in the server side, so it should not matter which browser you use.

My development computer runs Linux, but I've just installed Safari on a Windows machine and it worked well. You should have received an email.

Best regards,

Best wishes,

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13 years 2 months ago #5692 by clientfinder
Hi Douglas,

I did receive the email and uploaded file, as well as the indication that you were using Linux/Safari.

Since I was advised that this problem was occurring in Safari, I downloaded Safari for windows and got this problem.

Any suggestions or advice as this is happening on my computer, as well as my client's Mac?

Thank you!


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13 years 2 months ago #5694 by douglas
Dear Jason,

I submitted twice: once from Google Chrome (Linux) and the other from Safari (Windows), so I've already tested on Safari, even though this is not a Browser related issue. If it works on one browser it will work on all. You probably typed a wrong character.

You may try to make it easier to read my changing the Captcha Plugin Parameters (sitortion, colors, number of lines,..) or switch it to reCaptcha.

Best wishes,

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13 years 2 months ago #5697 by clientfinder
You must be right! I tried it again in Safari (Windows) and it went through. find a Mac!!

Thank you!


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