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Changing of the email output type style

13 years 1 week ago #6578 by gepard
Hi guys! Is there any chance to get plain text template changed. I don't need to see any other info but only user text in the message body (for easy reply purposes). But even if I making following changes in controller.php there are still couple of things apart of users message

Ваше имя: Dmitri
Ваш email адрес:
Тема: Subjecttt
Сообщение: User message

Tried changes:
//$this->emailInfo->enquiry	= JText::sprintf('ENQUIRY_TEXT', JHTML::_('link', //$this->emailInfo->contact_url,$this->emailInfo->siteName) )
		//."\n<br />".$this->emailInfo->name. $surname .' < '.$this->emailInfo->email.' >';
		//$this->emailInfo->enquiry	=$this->emailInfo->name. $surname .' < '.$this->emailInfo->email.' >';
		$this->emailInfo->body 	= strip_tags($this->emailInfo->enquiry)."\n\n".$this->emailInfo->cfText."\r\n" ;

Please advise how to do that

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13 years 1 week ago #6579 by douglas
Dear Gepard,

I've never had this request before. I usually just redirect users to the HTML template and do the changes there, but to change the plain text is a bit more complicated, because you have to add the custom field's name which might be different for each form.

This will only work if you have the same message custom field on all forms.
$this->emailInfo->body     =  JRequest::getVar('cf_ID') ;
Where ID is the Custom Field ID.

HTML Templates:
If it does not work like that, please use the HTML templates. You can have one template for each form if you wish and you can retrieve the information like this {post:cf_ID}, except the fields that are set to display only one per form. For those you might have to look at the source code for the Name attribute. In order to retrieve the email Custom Field for example you need to add {post:email} to the HTML Template.

All the best,

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