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× Frequently Asked Questions using Joomla content articles. iFAQ (former MooFAQ) is a FAQ Component for Joomla!™ which uses jQuery and Bootstrap to load Joomla Articles in Accordion format.

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Expand all appears after first sub-category heading

1 month 2 days ago #27401 by counterpoint
iFAQ is working as expected at except that the expand all / collapse all controls appear after the first sub category heading, but apply to all sub categories. This seems illogical and it would look better if expand /collapse appeared before any sub category headings.

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3 weeks 23 hours ago - 3 weeks 23 hours ago #27437 by support
Dear counterpoint,

Thank you for your feedback.

Since the buttons are labeled "Expand ALL" and "Collapse ALL," we designed them to appear only once and apply to all FAQ items for clarity and simplicity. However, we understand your preference for having the buttons displayed before any subcategory headings.

We can adjust the buttons to appear before all sections in the Categories View. Placing them before individual subcategory headings requires significant script changes, but we are willing to implement this enhancement in future versions, just not right now due to the lack of time.

I'll send the updated script to your email shortly and include this fix in the next release.

Best regards,

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