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× Frequently Asked Questions using Joomla content articles. iFAQ (former MooFAQ) is a FAQ Component for Joomla!™ which uses jQuery and Bootstrap to load Joomla Articles in Accordion format.

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Display Problem when inserted as Modul

12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #9195 by Zork

i created a new mooFAQ modul and placed it as usual on a position. I set the category wich it shall display but as you can see on the screenshot it displays the filter field and all that links to the articles below the accordeon style links.

How can i remove that filter and the links to the articles? i already hided everything in the component options with no luck..



here is the screenshot since the file attachement doesn`t seem to work here..

Edit: when i use the modul on an iframe wrapped site, i get an error 404 btw..

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12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #9198 by douglas
Dear Mark,

I don't think that's the MooFAQ Module.
I've searched in the MooFAQ module and component source code for COM_CONTENT__ and it did not return any result.

Are you using the latest versions (MooFAQ and Joomla)? Which Joomla version are you using (1.5 OR 1.7)?

Best regards,

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12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #9199 by Zork
I use Joomla 1.7.3 and the latest MooFaq modul..

it is the .modul fieldset or just fieldset from my template.css but why does it show up? And even the list of article links?

i actualy can remove that fieldset from the template.css with "display=none" but there still remains the list of article links..

I will move the site to a server tomorrow or day after..then i`ll show you the link ..might help..

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12 years 5 months ago #9200 by douglas
Dear Zork,

Ok. I'll wait for a direct link to the site.

Best regards,

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12 years 5 months ago #9339 by Zork
Hey Douglas,

i finally moved the site to the would be great if you could have a look..



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12 years 5 months ago #9340 by douglas
Dear Zork,

I've accessed your site and it is strange, that part does not seem to b part of MooFAQ. It is linking to , which leads me to believe it is another module.

Best regards,

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12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #9341 by Zork
But it is related to the moofaq article and only appears or dissapears when moofaq is there is nothing else on this position published..

the link you posted is the article wich is in the category i display in moofaq..

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12 years 5 months ago #9348 by douglas
Dear Zork,

That's very strange. I've just tested MooFAQ module and I could not reproduce this problem. Can you please provide an administrator account so I can take a closer look?
You can send the log in information using the Support -> Contact Form.

Best regards,

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12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #9353 by Zork
I`ve decided to go another route..

please check..

I now inserted the moofaq category in the article via the plugin button..

only strange thing that refuses is this text :


Should be just "Expand All | Collaps All" right?

thx for your help.. ;)

edit: the Problem before might be template related issue, since its a RT Legacy template (pretty old) , it might have some strange artifacts..

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12 years 5 months ago #9354 by douglas
Dear Zork,

That's a language related problem. For some reason unknown to me the language file might not have been installed correctly.

Please open MooFAQ's component zip package, extract /site/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_moofaq.ini and upload to [Path to Joomla 1.7]/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_moofaq.ini

Best regards,

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12 years 5 months ago #9355 by Zork
Great Help m8! B)

Very nice.. ;)

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12 years 5 months ago #9425 by Zork
Hey Douglas,

there just appeared a wierd behaviour i`m not able to locate..

I`ve chose the basic template of moofaq and actualy deleted the backround colour i think in order to make the headings backround transparent..but now there pops up this "white colour" and i do not know how to remove it..i even cannot locate it via firebug..

Could you please have a look?

thx! ;)

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