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related articles ignoring manual settings

1 month 1 week ago #27396 by crimescene
We have an article that we want just one related article to show on but each time we set the single article -- two more eventually get added after a week or so.

Other articles are set to show two related articles and just two show as expected. And others are set to show three related articles and the correct three show as expected.

What are we doing wrong?

Ive got a screen shot of the admin showing three articles. Two have 2 related articles as set and one has 3 related articles when it should have 1

Ive also added a screenshot of the manual settings we used.

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1 month 1 week ago #27398 by support

Thank you for reaching out with your question.

It appears that you may have assigned the article in question as a related article for another article. This is why you are seeing more articles being added over time.

Ideal Related Articles has a convenient feature that automatically synchronizes related articles. So, when you designate Article C as a related article of Article A, Article A will also be added to Article C. This feature is designed to save you the effort of synchronizing the related articles.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with any other aspect, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help!

Best regards,

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1 month 1 week ago #27399 by crimescene
The convenient feature is breaking the functionality for us.

Can we turn this off in any form? Perhaps through a customization of the software that we would pay for?

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1 month 1 week ago #27404 by support
I'll send a message to your email address to continue our conversation privately.

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